En ufattelig tragedie
I dag tidlig fikk jeg en forferdelig nyhet fra San Fransisco. Christy, ektefellen til sønnen min Vegar, og mor til deres felles barn, knapt ett år gamle Isa Amalie, ble påkjørt og drept av en bil i en park i byen natt til i dag norsk tid. Isa Amalie var i nærheten da ulykken skjedde men kom helt uskadet fra den fatale ulykken.
Jeg ønsker å hedre minnet om Christy med dette blogginnlegget. Hun og Vegar hadde et et helt ualminnelig sterkt og godt forhold, og jeg kjente Christy som et fantastisk flott menneske på alle måter. At hun nå er borte fortoner seg helt uforståelig og meningsløst.
Tragedien er så forferdelig og grotesk at det er vanskelig å finne ord. En datter har mistet sin mor, en mann har mistet sin ektefelle. Familier, slektninger og mange venner på begge sider av Atlanterhavet sitter igjen med sorgen over et menneske som er borte.
Kjære Vegar – jeg føler med deg nå, men jeg håper og tror at du er sterk nok til å komme deg videre i livet sammen med vesle Isa Amalie.
Flere nettaviser og TV-stasjoner rapporterer om ulykken:
Christy Svanemyr, født Moses, var ansatt som coach i New Ventures West i San Fransisco. Jeg har sakset noen ord om henne fra firmaets nettside:
Christy Svanemyr serves as the Director of Development for New Ventures West and has been an integral part of the company since 2003. As the public face of the company, Christy has spoken with hundreds of leaders, therapists, and professionals around the world about the power of Integral Coaching. Certified as an Integral Coach® in 2004, she has served on faculty in various roles supporting students through the rigorous Professional Coaching Course.
Ordained as a Zen Monk under Zen Master Genpo Roshi, Christy’s own path has been that of rigor and deep spiritual commitment. She and her husband Vegar lived as residents at the Big Mind Zen Center in Salt Lake City for almost four years. She has undergone over a thousand hours of training through the Big Mind process – an innovative American Zen tradition that blends the ancient wisdom of Buddhism with modern western psychotherapy. Christy is also a student of the Ridhwan school, a contemporary spiritual tradition designed to fully uncover and develop the self.
Christy’s dedicated self-development gives her an immense depth and keen insight into the human condition, allowing her to offer distilled and timely wisdom to her clients, a partial list of whom includes Genentech, State Department of Arizona, Charles Schwab, and a variety of non-profit organizations.
Christy specializes in Somatic Development. As a lifelong student of the body, dance, and movement, she is able to use her mastery of physical attunement and expression to support clients in bridging the gap between insight and sustainable change. Once part of a professional African Dance group called Azagano, Christy trained and performed all over the world, including at the World Cup in South Korea.
Christy has also studied the works of Wendy Palmer and Conscious Embodiment, Gabrielle Roth’s Five Rhythms, Susan Harper and Continuum, and Steve March’s Integral Embodiment. She graduated Magna Cum Laude and received a BA in both Anthropology and Sociology, and a BS in Ecotourism and Recreation Management, from West Virginia University.
Her greatest joy and teacher is her daughter Isa Amalie, born October 2012. Finding herself stretched in ways she didn’t know was possible, Christy now understands her monk vows in a entirely new way. It’s no longer a good idea to «save all sentient beings» but her responsibility to try to do as much as possible to make this world a kinder, gentler place for our sons and daughters to be in.
Til slutt vil jeg dele en liten bildesamling av den lille familien: